
Challenges are a way to slowly make changes in your life to improve your overall health. The challenges will be exercise, weight loss, and healthy living. You must post your progress in the forum to score points. The points purely serve as a motivator for you. Every one that scores at least 1 challenge point is a challenge winner.

If you did not complete a previous weeks challenge you can try to it again the following week to get the points. I will be deleting challenges after they have been up for 2 weeks so you can only get the points for challenges that are currently listed.

Exercise Challenge

Week of August 3rd

We have had 4 challenges so far. This week is a make up week. Whatever challenges you have not completed you may complete this week for the points.

Weight Loss Challenge

Week of August 3rd

This week the goal is to lose .5% of your body weight. Send me your weights and I can figure them out for you! Keep on losing! If at the end of this week you have lost 4% of your body weight you will get 5 points...1 for each week!

Healthy Living Challenge

Week of August 3rd

We have had 4 challenges so far. This week is a make up week. Whatever challenges you have not completed you may complete this week for the points.